7 ways to [supercharge] your event website and boost sales

18th July 2024
Event Website

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Start Location, location, location Give them what they want Be an attention seeker It’s who you know Share your game plan Dress to impress Trim the fat Get in touch
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event website

Did you know it takes your users just 0.05 seconds to form an opinion of your event website?

Or that 40% of visitors will leave a site if it takes more than three seconds to load?

As our world becomes increasingly digital, today’s event attendees want websites that are sleek, integrated and effortless to use. 

In fact, research shows seamless websites can boost conversion rates by up to 400%.

If you’re ready to accelerate your success, check out this handy list of tips to help you get the most out of your event website.

1. Location, location, location


It might seem obvious, but making your event information easy to find and understand is key to ensuring your website is useful to visitors.

Of course, this includes making sure your important information—such as dates, times and locations—are front and centre, but it also means ensuring you make your site easy to navigate.

Different pages and sections of your event website should be clearly labelled and easy to locate, and menus should be logically ordered. 

If you can, it’s also a good idea to go beyond the essentials to help your potential attendees find the information they’ll need, such as nearby accommodation, parking and restaurants. 

For example, evexus’ event management software is integrated with Booking.com, which allows customers to view hotel availability and even book their stay with just the click of a button. 

2. Give them what they want

Having a website that looks great on a computer is one thing, but don’t forget many of your customers will be using other devices, such as tablets and smartphones. 

Websites today need to have responsive design—that is, they must look polished and professional on every device, and respond intuitively to the needs of your users. 

Research shows mobile site visitors are five times more likely to abandon their cart when they’re on a site not optimised for mobile. 

So, when it’s time to design your site, making sure it works seamlessly across all platforms can help you boost conversions and avoid losing customers.

3. Be an attention seeker

In addition to having your information easily available, it’s important to make sure it’s presented in a way that optimises the web experience for your visitors. 

In website terminology, webpages are separated into two sections: above and below the fold. Content that is immediately visible to users on a webpage without having to scroll is above the fold, while any content users must scroll to access is below the fold. 

On an average webpage, people spend 57% of their time above the fold, and their attention decreases the further they move down the page. So, it’s best to keep your above the fold content engaging and exciting, and save the more detailed information for lower sections. 

For example, well-designed above-the-fold layouts usually include headings and short, snappy blurbs, as well as eye-catching videos and images. Arranging your content in this way will help you gain and keep your audience’s attention and make a fantastic first impression.

4. It’s who you know

Today, users are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available to them. This means you’re not just competing for attention against other events but against other forms of content, such as on-demand videos, e-learning modules, articles and more. 

One way you can highlight the unique value of your event is to include speaker or presenter details on your website. This doesn’t just help build excitement and anticipation, but it even allows you to show your potential attendees the type of information and insights they won’t be able to find anywhere else. 

For each speaker, try to include a professional headshot, an interesting biography and a blurb about their presentation or speech.

5. Share your game plan

Your event program is one of your most valuable event planning tools, but it can also be a valuable resource when it comes to converting leads.

By providing an up-to-date program on your event website, attendees can browse sessions, speakers and more, getting a great insight into what they’re in for when they attend. 

What’s more, providing a program allows your guests to start planning their visit, especially if you have concurrent sessions.

While it’s important to have a comprehensive and informative program, don’t forget to make sure it’s visually appealing and simple to navigate. 

This will make it even easier for visitors to explore what’s on, plan their agenda and build excitement ahead of your event.

6. Dress to impress

It’s a well-known marketing adage that design accounts for 94% of customers’ first impressions of your website. A poor first impression can easily cause someone to close their window and cost you your chance at a sale, so making sure your site looks the part is well worth your time.

A quick and easy way to do this is by making sure you brand your site effectively using your company or event logo. 

You should also use appropriate brand colours and fonts, and make sure your design choices are consistent across your entire site.

Presenting your visitors with a polished and fully-branded event website ensures you come across as professional and trustworthy, and will help people feel they can trust you with their time and money. 

7. Trim the fat

Getting forms right can be a real challenge, as event planners often have to balance the need to gather lots of information with the desire to keep processes short.

However, the benefit of shorter registration forms is clear—every time you remove a field, your conversion rate jumps

A few simple ways to simplify your forms include removing any duplicate fields and ensuring questions are grouped logically into sections such as personal information, dietary or access requirements and session selections. 

Some event management software providers are innovating new and improved sign-up methods inspired by the world of e-commerce. For instance, evexus has launched an innovative pay-first option, allowing attendees to finalise their purchase before completing the full registration process.

Want expert support?

If you dream of building a seamless, professionally branded event website in minutes, evexus can help. Visit our website to learn more, or get in touch with our friendly team to book a demo

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